
Design, simulation, testing, and measurement examples:

     Pre-Layout Design

    • Careful design in the pre-layout stage allows to design and produce only what is really needed ! without excess !
    • At the end of the pre-layout stage, all the high-speed elements in the channel are designed and ready for layout.
    • Proper pre-layout design saves re-designs, additional layouts, and PCB/PKG re-productions.
    • Examples :

      Post-Layout Analysis

    • Includes comprehensive simulations (in the frequency and time domain) of the high-speed channels in 3D and 2.5D tools.
    • At the end of the post-layout stage, all the high-speed channels and the PDNs need to meet the required compliance standard/vendor spec.
    • Examples :

      Proof of Design (POD) 

    • At this stage,  the design is confirmed by measurements  to meet the compliance standard requirements.
    • Examples :