Test Yourself

#1 The bandwidth of a digital signal at 10 Gbps is:


#2 What do these three terminations have in common: R-C, Thevenin, VTT?


#3 In the resonance frequency created by the stub, what happens to most of the energy transmitted from the transmitter?


#4 In an asymmetric stripline structure, by how much should conductors be separated in order to reduce cross-talk substantially?


#5 How can FEXT be reduced in a stripline?


#6 Coupling length between aggressor line and victim line is 6 inches. The aggressor’s voltage rise time is 1 nS. What will happen to the NEXT’s intensity if rise time decreases to 0.1 nS?


#7 What mainly affects the intensity of the differential NEXT between differential lines?


#8 What is Common Mode?


#9 The Nyquist frequency of a 56 Gbps signal encoded in PAM 4 is


#10 A transmitter output connected to a 50-ohm transmission line varies from 0 to 3.3V. Assuming the transmitter current was 0 before the change, when does the current from the transmitter start?


#11 Characteristic impedance of transmission line depends mainly on


#12 What is the VIA impedance that will see a digital signal passing through?


#13 Narrowing the stripline/microstrip reference plane(s) will result in


#14 The longer the transmission line, the characteristic impedance measured with TDR


#15 Attenuation in the transmission line at [dB/in] will increase


#16 Expected attenuation in [dB/GHz/in] in an FR4 transmission line is expected to be in the order of magnitude of


#17 Due to cross-talk consideration between adjacent lanes: when routing large numbers of lanes parallelly, we will rout them


#18 The theoretical FEXT in the victim can reach


#19 When will Mode Conversion be created?


#20 Two lines whose single-ended impedance is 50 ohms are arranged such that the distance between them is H (where H is the distance between the line and its reference plane). What is likely to be the differential impedance of these lines?


#21 Can a serpentine be used to correct a skew on a differential line that operates at tens of Gbps?


#22 On a PCB with multiple voltages, can each voltage plane be used as a reference plane for a transmission line


#23 What is the total jitter in a line where there is a deterministic jitter Dj and a random jitter with a standard deviation σ?


#24 To what frequency can Power Delivery Network (PDN) impedance be maintained on the PCB below the Target Impedance with only decoupling capacitors (bulk and SMT) on the PCB?


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